Best Paraphrasing and summarizing tools for Students

Being a student, you must have expertise in some skills of writing. The most important set of skills includes paraphrasing and summarizing. For a student, it is important to be an expert in these skills because of their importance. 

If you have a lack of information about these skills and want to explore them briefly, keep reading. In this article, we will discuss these skills in detail for better understanding. 

We are here with the discussion about paraphrasing tools and summarizing tools too. We will also show you the best tools that can help you in this regard and complete your task easily. 

What is paraphrasing & summarizing?

Let’s have a look at the general discussion about both these skills. Paraphrasing is a specific technique in which you have to reword the original context to make it unique. In this technique, you have to protect the original meanings of the text. 

When paraphrasing a paper or blog, you must have to keep in mind what it might be doing to make your work unique. Yes, you must have faced plagiarism issues in your assignments. This is where you will find paraphrasing the best way to make your work unique. 

On the other side, summarizing is a particular way to precise the length of an article or blog. It will help the students to learn about long papers in a short time. 

This skill will enable you to sum up the long debate done in the paper and let the readers understand the core concept directly. Both these skills are helpful for a student because he will find them necessary at different points in his writing work. 

How paraphrasing is different from summarizing?

Many people take paraphrasing and summarizing the same skills or techniques. Keep in mind that both these skills are different from each other. For your ease, we are going to do a quick comparison of both these skills here. 

In paraphrasing, you can write a blog or paper in more words than the original one. It means that you will not get any restrictions over the length of the final paper. 

You can also add your opinions or views in the final or paraphrased document. In short, you won’t be asked to stick with the original document for rewording it. 

On the other hand, you will be asked to discuss only important points and sectors while summarizing. You must have to write the final copy in lesser words than the original work. 

The reason is summary means to sum up all the important points from the given context. Additionally, you must have to stick with the given text or content. 

It means that you can’t add even a single fact or figure from your side in the summary. Also, you must have to filter out the extra words from the original context to write a shorter copy. 

Why do you need to use tools as a student?

The question comes why you need to use a tool for accomplishing this task when you can do it manually. There is no doubt that summarizing and paraphrasing must be done manually for a better understanding of the skills. 

But you may be having a hard time learning them or practicing them. So, you must have to check the following section where we have discussed the uses to tell you why these tools. 

Why paraphrasing tool?

To paraphrase the text, you must be proficient in the concerned language of the text. It is also important that you have an extensive vocabulary to pick the right words to replace with the originals. 

For better outcomes, you must have to read the content again and again to extract the main idea from the entire blog. It takes much time to reword even a few hundred words of content. 

By using a paraphrasing tool, you will be able to save your time and work smoothly. It will also help you in crossing the boundaries of proficiency in the language. The reason is this tool will enable you to get the final copy in a few minutes by replacing the words from its database. 

Why summarizing tool?

When it comes to summarizing the article or paper, you may be feeling it difficult. The reason is you have to be focused while reading the original paper. It is necessary for you to check the paper multiple times before summarizing it. 

You must have to think critically to find those points that you can say are main in the given context. It is not an easy task to estimate such sections and use them in your summary. As a result, you may lose your focus on the work and don’t be able to find those points. 

By using a summarizing tool, you can overcome this issue and be an expert in this field. Such a tool can help you in completing the task without any manual interference. You only have to insert the text and tap on the button to get the summary of the complete content. 

All in all, this tool will help you in completing the task as well as get perfection in the final copy. 

Best paraphrasing and summarizing tool 

There are several tools available on the internet that you can use for the above-mentioned tasks. But it might be possible that you are having issues like inaccurate working, slow processing, and weird outcomes. 

So, we have researched a lot and found the best tools for you. Here we have a brief description of those tools that we have found the best in our research. 

Paraphraser by (

It is a comprehensive platform from which you can get multiple tools to deal with different writing-related tasks. Like its other tools, its paraphraser has been designed with the best interface and algorithm. 

This tool has been designed to be used by a huge number of people around the globe. The main reason is its multi-lingual working. It means that you can paraphrase the text written in multiple languages with this tool. 

To do this, you only have to choose the concerned language by checking its dropdown language menu. Also, the tool has a one-click working method that enables every student to use it for paraphrasing. 

You only have to insert the text and click on the Paraphrase It button. The tool will not take a long time to process your text but it displays the final copy within a few seconds. 

Additionally, it will display the original and paraphrased text side by side. So, you will be able to get a clear display of the changes that the tool has made. All in all, it is the best tool to reword the paper and make it unique to submit anywhere. 

Last but not least, this tool allows you to check for plagiarism directly from the paraphrased text box. To do this, you only need to tap on the given button that will take you to another tool for this purpose.

When it comes to choosing a summarizing tool, we found many tools that are worthy to work with. But we have found some drawbacks in most of those tools. The summarizing  HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""tool by is one of the finest tools that we have checked and used for testing. 

It is a comprehensive tool with advanced features that you can use to get the task done with perfection. This tool has been designed with a simple interface but multiple options on the screen. 

You can easily use this tool by pasting the content that you want to be summarized. After that, you should also choose the expected length of the summary. You can choose a short summary option, a long summary option, or 50% of the original content. 

This tool has been designed with an AI-based algorithm that makes it best to use for summarizing. It will not take more than a few minutes to let you summarize the entire text. 

In the summarized text box, you will also be given three different options from which you can choose. You can choose the general display, best line, or bulleted display. All of these options will give you a preview of the summarized text in the selected mode. 

When you have done this task, you can download the file or copy the text to use it wherever you want. This tool will also enable you to do this task again and again if you are not satisfied with its working on the first attempt. 


In the above blog, we have discussed the most important skills for students like you. It would be easy for you to understand these skills properly just by reading this blog and using tools timely. These tools will help you in getting your work done and learning new things from these dimensions.
